To our service men and women in uniform whether past, present, or future...bless you and thank you for your service and dedication. My mother (325th Combat Support Hospital) and grandfather (WWII US Army) are both Veterans of the US Armed Services. I take great pride in being an Accredited Attorney with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. One way that we as elder law attorneys give back is by helping Veterans and their spouses obtain the financial assistance to which they are entitled.

In 2019, the Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit can provide up to the following maximum amounts:
Single sick Veteran - $22,577 per year
Healthy Veteran with sick spouse - $17,724 per year
Married sick Veteran - $26,766 per year
Married Veterans, Both Veterans sick - $35,813 per year
Surviving Spouse - $14,507 per year
Source: Veterans Pension Rate Table
If you are a Veteran or spouse of a Veteran and you need assistance in your home, or are living in or considering moving into an ALF or elsewhere, please contact us to see if you might qualify for the Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefits.