The risk of forming dementia is increased for those aged sixty-five and older. Within the next decade the Baby Boomer Generation will account for over twenty percent of the US population.
Without a cure in sight, the number of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s will increase drastically. With longer life expectancies than in prior generations it is more important than ever to have a long-term care plan in place. No one should go broke growing old.
Family caregivers are often uncompensated and working long hours caring for loved ones. The cost to hire competent help is increasing dramatically. There is a labor shortage impacting our most vulnerable population. Studies show that nearly three quarters of the total cost of care for a loved one with dementia is shouldered by family members.
There are options for you and your loved one to obtain benefits are home (generally in the form of home-based services) as well as benefits if you or your loved one is at an assisted living facility or nursing home (generally in the form of financial payment and coverage paid to the facility). Medicaid programs include institutional care program Medicaid for those who need skilled nursing facility level care and there are long term care (waiver) Medicaid programs for those at home or residing in an assisted living facility.
Given the progressive nature of dementia it is more likely than not that you or your loved ones will need to consider skilled nursing care as the disease progresses. We work closely with dementia patients and their surrogates/family to ensure a plan is in place in advance of needing services. Whether you are years away from needing assistance to a true crisis situation where you may need benefits right away we are here to help.